7-Minute Paleo Garlic Cajun Shrimp with Snap Peas

7-Minute Paleo Garlic Cajun Shrimp with Snap Peas via Worthy Pause

This shrimp was so good I made it twice in one week. Like most of my food, it's easy as hell. So easy that I should really get around to photographing it again... GUH, these iPhone pictures from 2013 truly and deeply embarrass me.

Just cook enough for you and whoever else you are eating with because—let's be honest—leftover shrimp gets weird. Portions below are for one hungry person.

7-Minute Garlic Cajun Shrimp with Snap Peas

Paleo and Whole30-approved | serves 1

  • olive oil, ghee or coconut oil
  • a healthy handful of snap peas
  • 1/2 shallot
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • 8-10 nice big shrimp, cleaned, peeled and dried with a paper towel
  • generous sprinkles of Cajun spice blend (recipe below if you want to make your own!)
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 shallot
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • lemon juice
  1. Heat your cooking oil in a pan on medium heat.
  2. Add snap peas and cook for a quick minute or two. Then add the garlic and shallots. Push it all around for a minute.
  3. Add the shrimp. Dust with Cajun seasoning and salt.
  4. Turn shrimp when they are mostly opaque on one side (maybe 3 minutes, but it depends).
  5. Then dust with more seasoning and cook for another couple minutes until they are fully opaque.
  6. Squeeze some lemon juice atop and serve! P.S. If things start to stick to the pan, just throw in a handful of water to deglaze before anything burns. Burned garlic is gross. (And yes, I said a handful of water. I'm not cooking for the king over here.)

Unscientific Cajun Spice Blend

Equal-ish parts of...

  • white pepper
  • black pepper
  • onion powder
  • garlic powder
  • paprika
  • cayenne pepper
  • maybe some oregano and thyme if you're feelin' wild

Whatever you do, do not smell your Cajun spice blend or you will cough violently for a half-hour.

Above is the other time I made this without snap peas... because I LIVE ON THE EDGE.